Enough of the serious stuff! Have some fun watching the best funny cat videos on the web. New videos added daily. There are also links to tons of other free games and useful utilities. Everything is free and you will be supporting Code Amber..
Installation is easy and the toolbar is TRUSTe, McAfee and Norton certified.
This is all about having some fun. Watch funny videos, play some free
games or just take a little "me" time. It costs nothing and if you get
tired of it you can simply turn it off or completely remove it easily.
It's safe for work too. And the toolbar is completely customizable so
you can add or delete things to personalize it as you wish.

Use the Free Download button to install your free Code Amber Funny Cat Videos Toolbar. By installing and using the toolbar you will be helping to support Code Amber and we thank you for that and for your support over the years! Please install it today and share it with your friends.