Click Here for the Demo and see how the new BigHits works and how it can increase visitors to your web site by up to 50%. The previous incarnation of BigHits used older technology that no longer works with the current crop of browsers. The new BigHits has been tested and verified with all of the browsers I could find.
BigHits is all about getting more visitors to your web sites and lets face it, every web site needs more visitors. You earn credit every time someone visits your site AND you can add the code to every page on your site to earn credits for every one of your pages they visit.
Everyday this month we will award free display credits to a lucky member. Bonuses raqnge from 100 to 1000 displays of your ad on the BigHits network. Today's (02/04/2013) winner was C.A.T.C.H. Resources, Inc., Formerly Wisconsin Center 4 Missing Adults & Children. They received 250 free displays.
You could be next so sign up today at BigHits!
I certainly have been for myself, my family and Code Amber. I'm always looking for new ways to support my family and Code Amber and it's been a tough few years. Here is a way I found to help Code Amber and my family. Click here to see what I found and how it could also help you and your family.
Update: I received my new debit card last week and activated it. After I got my $20 sign up bonus I had enough to pay the car insurance for this month and today I had two referrals activate their cards so I'll pay my Internet Cable bill with that.